
Gear noise generated during use is normal?

Many customers expressed in purchase power gear reducer later, in the course will be a variety of problems, such as gear noise or a series of problems will not operate properly and so suddenly appeared in the course. In fact, noise reducer appear in the course of the case is not a normal phenomenon, so in the end is what causes gear noise it? Next, a brief introduction for everyone, hope we can bring some help.
Reducer want to solve the noise problem, we must first understand the source of the vertical gear reducer, general gear noise sources are mainly from the friction drive gear, vibration and impact sound emitted. Now many domestic and foreign experts are constantly researching the subject of noise reduction, many experts believe that the situation is gear factors directly affect the transmission gear friction and collisions, experts recommend using the current method of modification, since that allows the speed fluctuation reduced to a minimum, so that we can effectively reduce the noise, in actual use, or have obvious change a bit.
Many designers in the design of gear when, in order to save costs, rarely ignored gear accuracy class, ignoring the accuracy class will inevitably lead to unnecessary Hypoid Reducer phenomenon. Therefore, we recommend, under the conditions allow, as much as possible to improve the accuracy class gear as much as possible to reduce transmission errors, thereby reducing noise.

