
How to use the noise reducer malfunction judgment

With the continuous economic development, people's demand for the gear unit is growing, in the course of the reducer, the slowdown opportunities arise a variety of failures, now Xiaobian to brief noise on the use of the gear unit to determine the malfunction.
combined worm reducer can be divided into the ventilation noise, mechanical noise and electromagnetic noise reducer when working under normal circumstances, maintenance workers can identify the noise source according to the noise, and to find fault in the machine for maintenance.
Analyzing ventilation noise: ventilation noise in general are relatively stable, generally constant RPM, it also constant noise of intensity, and in close vicinity of the air inlet and the loudest, so you can change the measurement noise position to be judged. You can also block the outlet to see if the noise is decreased, if the noise drops, it shows failure PC gear reducer is a fan there is a problem, an improved method is to replace the proper fan.
Analyzing mechanical noise: general mechanical noise is very unstable, sometimes high, sometimes very low, this is usually because the assembly quality, but off, and other causes of bearing failure occurs.
Analyzing electromagnetic noise: Electromagnetic noise will occur with the intensity of the magnetic field changes, and the method can be used to change the power voltage method to determine the electromagnetic noise, after a sudden power failure, the magnetic field will suddenly disappear if the gearhead or the noise disappears significantly reduce this noise is electromagnetic noise; changing the voltage method is to reduce the motor applied voltage, the magnetic field may also change, gear noise also will be changed, it means that the fault is a problem with the magnetic field.

