
How to choose reducer

General vertical gear box selection includes the original conditions, select the type, determine the specifications and other steps.
In contrast, the type of choice is relatively simple, and accurately provide the conditions of the reducer, master reducer design, manufacture and use of the characteristics of the general reducer is the right choice of the key to the key. Specifications are selected to meet the strength, heat balance, shaft extension to bear the radial load and other conditions.
1. According to the mechanical power or torque selection specifications (strength check)
Hypoid Gear Motor and special reducer design selection method is the biggest difference, the former applies to various industries, but the deceleration can only be designed according to a specific working conditions, so the user needs to be based on their own requirements to consider different correction factors , The factory should be the actual selection of the motor power (not the rated power of the reducer) to nameplate; the latter according to the user's specific conditions designed to consider the coefficient, the design has generally been considered, as long as the use of power to meet the use of less than or equal to slow The rated power of the device can be, the method is relatively simple.
Second, the thermal balance check
The permissible thermal power value of the shaft mounted speed reducer is the maximum equilibrium temperature (typically 85), which is permissible under the conditions of a specific working condition (normal ambient temperature 20 ° C, 100% per hour, continuous operation, 100% power utilization) ° C). Conditions are different when the corresponding coefficient (sometimes integrated into a coefficient) to amend.
3. Check the radial load on the shaft extension
General reducer often must be on the input shaft, the output shaft shaft to allow the middle of the maximum allowable radial load to give restrictions should be checked, should be made to the manufacturer when the increase in shaft diameter and increase the bearing requirements.


Reducer in the machinery industry is widely used

With the extensive application of the reducer in the machinery industry, we need to strengthen the understanding of the reducer knowledge, only to understand the knowledge of the mounted reducer after we can better operate on the reducer, we know the knowledge of the reducer The following description
Method / step
The first point, pay attention to the construction of the reducer installation site. Reducer installation, requiring ground formation, ventilation conditions as much as possible, to know the installation site for the future use of reducer has a great impact.
The second point, pay attention to the daily maintenance of the industrial gearboxes, do not only use, no maintenance, which is the use of the reducer, the good equipment, no maintenance, his life should be reduced by at least one-third. So the daily maintenance is particularly important, the daily maintenance of the reducer, including: the use of oil replacement, check the installation base, seals, drive shaft, etc. is normal, the shell in addition to important parts such as maintenance. Gearbox cleaning and maintenance machine The use of the gear box to the original oil drain system and the old oil can be filtered after the cleaning of the worm reduction gearbox, waste oil quickly filter, add new oil and other functions, the operation process does not change the hardware facilities, not Add cleaning agent to ensure the safe operation of the gear box to extend the service life.
The third point, pay attention to the maintenance of the reducer during the maintenance. When the reducer is disabled, users should not ask, like a car, every day, no problem, if it is a year, regardless of the wind and sun, you may think about the time, we must first car repair shop went. Reducer idle period, we should pay attention to the requirements in accordance with the instructions, regular inspection and maintenance, and then, to ensure that the boot is not an accident.


The reducer is used as an intermediate device for connecting the power source

In the field of mechanical transmission, the industrial gear boxes as a connection between the power source and the implementation of the intermediary between the device, its development has been thousands of years of history. power gearbox industry development so far, production technology continues to improve, the industry is the rapid growth. 2011 domestic reducer market size has exceeded 21 billion yuan, reducer exports will reach 920,000 units, the domestic reducer business competition is very intense.
Reducer industry enterprises want to achieve better development in the future, it is imperative to promote the development of reducer production technology innovation, innovation and innovation products. Aerospace, robots, medical devices and other emerging markets to bring new needs. The structural reducer is generally used for low-speed and high-torque transmission equipment, the motor, internal combustion engine or other high-speed operation of the power through the shaft mounted gearbox on the input shaft teeth less gear meshing the output shaft to achieve the purpose of deceleration, Of the reducer will have several pairs of the same principle gear to achieve the desired deceleration effect, the size of the gear teeth ratio, is the transmission ratio.


What are the technical requirements and test methods for gearmotors?

First, the basic requirements of the gear motor should meet:
1, the outer surface should be smooth, smooth;
2, the combination of industrial gear box, seal may not appear oil leakage phenomenon;
3, the firmware, the link must not loose phenomenon;
4, slowdown motor hand rotation, it must be easy and smooth, no jamming phenomenon;
5, in the rated speed and rated load, the motor noise reduction ≤ 80DB (a), temperature ≤ 65 degrees, the maximum oil temperature ≤ 95 degrees;
6, gear motor transmission efficiency and carrying capacity should be consistent with gb / t 16444 requirements;
7, gear reducer motor clearance should be consistent with the provisions.
experiment method:
1, the gear motor after the test should be carried out after the load test;
2, the load test, every ten minutes to record an oil temperature, time, torque and speed;
3, the gear reductions in the rated speed, according to its rated torque of 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 110%, 125% step by step loading test;
4, in the thermal power load test deceleration motor oil tank temperature stability for two hours unchanged, the temperature should meet the requirements of the seal, the junction is not allowed to leak phenomenon;
5, for the two-way work or not indicate the direction of rotation of the motor should be positive and negative test, for the one-way work of the motor can be a single test, the direction of rotation must work with the same direction.
Acceptance rules:
1, inspection equipment, instruments must be measured by the measurement test;
2, the motor by the manufacturer of quality inspection departments responsible for inspection and acceptance, and issued a certificate;
3, batch production of the same specifications of the advantages of variable speed drives, allowing 10% of the test (not enough ten should be a test), test failed when the test should be 20%, still unqualified, should all be tested.


What is the maximum speed of the gear reducer?

bevel gear sets to adapt to the motor maximum input speed, the general control in 2000r / min below, too high speed for the bearing oil seal is a test, a long time there may be oil leakage phenomenon. Here to give you a detailed description of the next.
1, due to the torque gearbox rotation support mainly rely on the two bearings to support the two bearing spacing increases, can increase the gear reducer rotation stability and carrying capacity. The use of round nuts to adjust the axial clearance between the two bearings, easy to adjust and reliable. More to ensure the normal operation of gear reducer;
2, the gear reducer drive parameterization rapid modeling, for the same shape or similar parts and serialized products, you can use a set of parameters to characterize its structure and size, by modifying the various parameters of the parts, get different Specifications of the parts, to achieve parametric design;
3, for the variable gearbox, through the parametric modeling, the user simply enter or modify some of the basic parameters of the gear (such as gear reducer gear, modulus, pressure angle and tooth width, etc.), the software system can automatically generate A three-dimensional geometric model of a certain type of gear, or a reconstructed geometry model to improve design efficiency;
4, the geometric parameters of the gear reducer gear number tooth number modulus tooth width pressure angle dividing circle diameter gear, gear parametric modeling gear transmission gearbox to establish a cylindrical gear reducer drive virtual prototype model development set modeling, solution, visualization Technology in one of the mechanical system dynamics simulation analysis software can be used to predict the mechanical system performance, range of motion, collision monitoring, peak load and calculate the finite element input load.


Why use a geared motor? Tell you five big benefits

With the further development of China's machinery industry, more and more users are using gear motors, although the gear motor in many mechanical equipment on the universal application, has been widely recognized. But there are still a lot of users did not come into contact with the parallel shaft helical gearbox a little knowledge, that a simple transmission structure can do the function of the motor, but not so. Here, Xiaobian will give you a list of the use of gear motor under the five major benefits, tell you why use the gear motor
1, plus a RV Worm Gear Reducer can reduce the moment of inertia, generally lower than the square of the ratio, the timely control of starting and stopping, variable speed.
2, by reducing the motor torque, equivalent to increase the input power, can reduce the input motor power required (in the need for speed control occasions), the general situation is expensive, so consider the use of gear motor.
3, the gear motor in the transmission to protect the role of the motor, running the reducer to withstand the greater torque, overloaded to the motor only the amount of overload divided by the reduction ratio of the value, if directly borne by the motor may cause damage to the motor.
4, the worm gearboxes in the overload is very large when the opportunity to first be damaged, and reducer only need to replace the spare parts can be restored, the cost is relatively low, if the motor directly damaged maintenance is relatively slow, the cost is high.
5, in the direct link load motor low-speed operation, the motor in order to meet the output torque current will inevitably increase a lot, which for the motor cooling and insulation will have a higher demand, from the energy point of view is not desirable, if the use of deceleration The motor can reduce the impact of these problems.