
Why use a geared motor? Tell you five big benefits

With the further development of China's machinery industry, more and more users are using gear motors, although the gear motor in many mechanical equipment on the universal application, has been widely recognized. But there are still a lot of users did not come into contact with the parallel shaft helical gearbox a little knowledge, that a simple transmission structure can do the function of the motor, but not so. Here, Xiaobian will give you a list of the use of gear motor under the five major benefits, tell you why use the gear motor
1, plus a RV Worm Gear Reducer can reduce the moment of inertia, generally lower than the square of the ratio, the timely control of starting and stopping, variable speed.
2, by reducing the motor torque, equivalent to increase the input power, can reduce the input motor power required (in the need for speed control occasions), the general situation is expensive, so consider the use of gear motor.
3, the gear motor in the transmission to protect the role of the motor, running the reducer to withstand the greater torque, overloaded to the motor only the amount of overload divided by the reduction ratio of the value, if directly borne by the motor may cause damage to the motor.
4, the worm gearboxes in the overload is very large when the opportunity to first be damaged, and reducer only need to replace the spare parts can be restored, the cost is relatively low, if the motor directly damaged maintenance is relatively slow, the cost is high.
5, in the direct link load motor low-speed operation, the motor in order to meet the output torque current will inevitably increase a lot, which for the motor cooling and insulation will have a higher demand, from the energy point of view is not desirable, if the use of deceleration The motor can reduce the impact of these problems.

