
Gear motors use to pay attention to those matters?

1, when the gear unit, pay special attention to the central axis of the drive, for errors in the application can not exceed the amount of compensation gear couplings used. Reducer in accordance with the requirements of the following, it is possible to obtain a more ambitious and more lasting effect transmission service life.
2, the fixed wuma gearmotor is very important to ensure a smooth and strong, in general, we should gear unit on a horizontal foundation or base, while behind the oil tank should be able to remove, and the cooling air circulate. Fixed gearhead is not good, is not reliable foundation that will be presented form, oscillation appearance, will make bearings and gears have been unnecessary damage.
3, device orientation gear unit to ensure that operations staff can conveniently near to contain the cursor, breather plug and oil drain plugs orientation. After the device reducer complete view should all view orientation in accordance with the order of accuracy of the device, to determine the reliability of each fastener.
4 gearhead output shaft when the device is transmitting member, you must pay attention to soft operation to stop the use of a hammer and other things rough device, it is best to use to install fixtures and internally threaded end of the shaft of an apparatus to bolts screwed into efforts will Drive pressed into gear, this can not maintain internal parts reducer damaged.

