
Gear reducer machine and its configuration form

RV Worm Gear Reducer machine and mill column is an important part two. Their position is between the mill stand and the motor. Their role, in general, is to adjust the output torque of the motor, making it suitable for use in the mill.
Gear machines coming from the motor to reverse the torque distribution to the mill stands of work rolls. Gear motor or flywheel torque coming at high speed into a low-speed torque to suit the rolling purposes. In simple terms, gear machine for transmitting torsional torque distribution, and gear for changing the rotational speed of the motor.
In the old mill motor to the transmission mill work rolls can be by means of gears, belts or rope drive. On newer mills, mostly using the gear mechanism (gear unit and reducer). Sometimes a mill columns, sometimes several mill columns become units, common use of a transmission mechanism.

